Try it!
(Anyone want to take bets on how long before QVC or C+C 'adopt' it?)
I know ... sometimes even I can't believe I'm so wicked ... tee hee.

I'm usually very much a 'one off' kind've crafter and not good at duplicating so feeling a bit clever.
I know they're all pretty much alike but desperate times call for desperate measures and maybe by doing mini-batches like this, using the same papers, and basic layout, I may have enough in reserve ready to send out when December rolls around.
Then again ... maybe not! It's tough being popular y'know ... whahahahahaha!
Over at Magical Crafts Forum, the xmas card challenge was Vintage so I printed off this Santa image, (which is from Dover Publications), and combined it with some leftover Christmas papers from last year, (which I believe were a bargain scrapbook paper pack from Poundland)
... added a touch of gold mirri card for layering,
... popped on a greeting using ribbon on one, Gold Peel Off on another and an acrylic Stamp on the last
... and there you go.
Bish! .... Bash! ... Bosh! ... 3 versions of the same card.
What could be simpler?? ... apart from buying them I mean.
I could argue that the image has the look of a Stained Glass Window ... (what do you think?) ... so I'm cheekily sneaking it in to Fab's Big Christmas Challenge as the theme week #38 is Cosy Christmas or Windows.

Actually do you know what ?
Fab really doesn't mind how tentative the link to his theme and there's no deadline to when you join in ... he just likes people to come along and have fun with his challenges ...
... he always ALWAYS has kind comments to make, (good for the self confidence) AND
... he always ... ALWAYS ... ALWAYS ... takes time to visit and say thank you for joining in.
So next time you make a Christmas card ... pop by Fab's place and leave your link. You'll make his day and he may make yours.