In fact, tying the large velvet bow neatly took longer than making the base card - Seriously!
The Congratulations card was made for a young lady who was recently told she was to lose her job and rather than despair about the injustice of it all just before Christmas, got out there and found another one.
Given the current job market situation, that is quite something and needs celebrating don't you think? Go Laura ! ... Go Laura !

Her sister, Shelley has made the decision to fly the family nest and very recently moved into a New Home, so there're lots of big changes happening down Mexborough way for my friend Ann and both her girls. Exciting and "skeeery" too.
Now ... these cards were both posted on the same day - at the same time - in the same post box.
SO! - How come one was delivered 3 days later than the other?
A Right Royal Mail Mystery ... and if anyone has a reasonable explanation then please share.
Now I must get back to finishing the list of orders still outstanding before I get slapped legs!